Content based in neuroscience + Data + simple skills + organizational support = Action Oriented Change
Resiliency Rising provides workshops, education and consultation to build personal and community resiliency within companies, organizations, and communities. Workshops are designed to create Trauma & Resilience Informed Workplaces.
Healthy work communities create healthy work environments, which create healthy individuals and families. Downstream this can increase retention, morale, and productivity.

News & Press
Full Teams
Four, 120 minute didactic and experiential workshops based on cutting-edge neuroscience, data, and skills to reverse toxic stress on the nervous system.
Management Teams
Work with management teams to establish and continue to build a resilience and trauma-informed workplace.
Individual Executive
Individual Executive/Management consultation for working with management team to establish and continue to build a resilience and trauma-informed workplace.
Opportunities for staff access one-on-one or small group consultation to support evolution of practices or deepen understanding of concepts and integration into work/personal life.
CRM has spontaneously been brought up by staff this week in a wide variety of conversations – thank you for supporting staff and students in so many ways!!!
This was one of the best presentations/ training I’ve attended! Your honest, competent, non coercive delivery is very much appreciated. What a great way to start this (whacky) new school year.
Thank you for the training! It was probably my favorite back to school training I have had! You did a nice job keeping us engaged and I really enjoyed the presentation! PS: almost all the teachers I have talked to said the same thing! We all appreciate this!
Your presentation today was great. You are an awesome presenter. I love listening to podcasts and I felt like I was listening to one when you were presenting.
After doing several training sessions this week, on very short notice, Laurie, you rocked! Such a professional, dynamic, and authentic speaker you are. I believe CRM is integral to our work and to me, and will hopefully keep me as sane and resilient as I can be in these insane times.
THANK YOU for the great CRM training yesterday! I’m super excited to continue this training and work as I feel it is so essential for all!
I really enjoyed the presentation you did for us last week. It has helped me monitor where I am at better and take some actions to help me get back into my “resiliency zone” so I can stay focused on and make progress towards the goals I have. I still have a lot of work to do, but the presentation was really helpful and included some really empowering tools.
I have talked with so many staff that are having incredible anxiety regarding this pandemic. These tools are something anyone can relate to, and I will definitely will be able to pass them on.
I wanted to say thank you so much for your presentation today. There were some awesome takeaways for me personally and professionally. I came in with a lot of stress, and you but you turned my frown upside down and got me back “in my zone.” Best meeting yet!
Your presentation was amazing and really resonated with me. I love how real you are!
Thank you, it was a great presentation! You have a great sense of humor which made the topic sometimes funny and more effective for me! Cheers to you! One more thing to add to my GRATEFUL list at the end of the day
I have really been enjoying the training and I find I have been able to apply it in many situations — both personally and professionally. It is quick and effective and also a compassionate way to help my [students, staff] to acknowledge their feelings without becoming overwhelmed in the moment.
Professional Development has usually been a waste of my time. CRM has not been this. Thanks for bringing CRM to us and giving us tools to help our students, our own kids, and even ourselves.